- Arduino based Hardware games
- Arduino based Sensing circuits
- Arduino consumer electronic projects
- Arduino Electronic Equipments
- Arduino Hardware Projects
- Arduino Projects in Biomedical
- Arduino Projects in wireless Systems
- Recent Arduino Projects
Arduino based Hardware games
The joystick in the project is having two potentiometers that allow us to measure the movement for the stick in 2-D. Potentiometers are adjustable resistors and, in a way, they act as sensors supplying us with a voltage that is variable on the rotation of these devices around its shaft
2. Simple Memory Game:
This might be a fun filled project utilizing the Arduino board. In this memory that is electronic task, we design a game title to test the user’s memory energy. This project uses components that are simple resisters and LEDs.
3. Interactive Gaming:
In this project interactive gaming based on Arduino is shown. This gaming is mainly utilized in video gaming applications. The game-play can be controlled by using a toy connected to Arduino.
4. Custom Micro Quadcopter:
In this project with Arduino a quadcopter has been designed. The quadcopter can be controlled by using the remote control. This project uses the servo engines at its rotors.
5. Multycopter:
In this project uses artwork of an Arduino to navigate and supply the dangerous areas such as for instance war fields. This can be utilized for the surveillance of the situations as well as to send the given information to radio stations without putting any individual in risk.
6. Build Flight Controller For Quadcopter:
In this project, Arduino has been used to control the altitude and speed for the quadcopter. Here, Arduino flight controller board along with various sensors has been used.
7. Control direction of Servo Motors:
In this project, how to control the direction of servomotor using Arduino is demonstrated.
8. Musical Keytar:
The Arduino keytar is used to generate the sound that is musical by an Arduino board. By attaching the strings to controlling them sound is produced.
9. Electric Car with Arduino:
In this project Arduino controlled electric car is designed. By using a Bluetooth module, the car can be controlled using the cell phones as well.
10. 3D Controller using Arduino:
In this project 3-dimentional system has been developed by using an Arduino. The hand placement in the view that is 3D can be observed aesthetically.
11. Arduino operated Sleep bed:
In this project, pets can be managed using the Arduino operated bed. Here, pet bed is made to make pet calm and sleepy by using an e-sleeper.
12. Disco Ball Music Visualizer:
This disco ball visualizer project is made by using an Arduino. The top disco that is sized is used to produce the light effects according to the songs.
13. Control LED’s using Remote controll:
In this project to control the LED lights remote control is used. An infra red light is used to control the LED operation. The operation is on and off of the light.
14. Interfacing Virtual robot control :
In this project the Arduino is used to interface 3D. By utilizing the servo motors the model manually can view the image.
15. Controlled Marbe Maze:
In this project, marbe maze is controlled using Arduino. The motion is used to get a grip on the maze tile.
16. Control Marble Labrynth:
In this project, the marble labrynth is used and interfaced using Arduino. The Arduino is used to control the motion of the labrynth by using the sensors.
17. Musical Midi Shoes using Arduino:
In this project, force resister is used in the shoes. The force resister is sensitive connected to an Arduino and a piezo buzzer.
18. Multi-Touch Music Controller:
In this project, a touch based system to control the music system, through the use of an Arduino and IR is implemented. The pad screen can be used by using hands.
19. Open Source video Game:
In this project, a video gaming hardware is implemented using Arduino. Here, game is designed and played by using a joystick.
20. Play Different Tones by controlling Light Intensity:
In this project, light intensity of the LDR is controlled by using Arduino. To vary the pitch of the music tone when move the hand around the LDR.
21. Retro Games BOX:
In this project, a box based on Arduino is used to create own games and play games. This module can interface with any other devices that are electronic.
22. Golf Club Carrier By Arduino:
In this project, the toy can be made by us automobile to operate as a golf club carrier. The operation for the circuit is then controlled by an Arduino.
23. LED Umbrella:
In this project, the Arduino based LED umbrella is made. The infra red light distance sensor is used in the umbrella. The length is determined and rings the alarm under the umbrella.
24. Magic Crystal Mood Ball:
In this project, the mood that is magic project is an Arduino based one, to change its color based upon the user’s mood and his body temperature.
25. Turn Signal Biking Jacket:
In this project, Arduino is used to design a signalling jacket. The signalling jacket display the right and left signals automatically.
26. Vibrating Gear Stick used for Gear Changing:
In this project, vibrating helps the drivers to point them to alter the vehicle gear using Arduino. The system notify the driver to change the gear when it isn’t in proper speed-gear combination.
Arduino based Sensing circuits
1. Arduino Based Distance Sensor:
In this project, two infrared proximity sensors are interfaced with Arduino. The sensors provides the high frequency signals and finds the distance range.
2. Obstacle Avoiding Robot:
In this project obstacle avoiding robot is designed by using Arduino. The robot senses the obstacles coming on the way and avoids the collisions.
3. Temperature Controlled Relay:
In this project, the temperature controlled relay is developed using Arduino. The speed of the fan is controlled depending upon temperature level. The relay is connected to the temperature sensor.
In this project, a line follower robot is designed by using Arduino. The interfacing circuit consists of two servo motors, wheels, light sensors.
5. Pram Monitoring System:
In this project, baby pram monitoring system is developed by using the Arduino. The system is controlled by recording various parameters such as temperature, acceleration, light etc.
6. Automatic Pet Watering System:
In this project automatic pet watering system is developed by using the Arduino. The water level in the tub is recorded. Water level in the tub is sensed by using the ultrasonic sensors.
7. Reef Controller:
In this project, reef controlled is developed by using the Arduino. The controlling parameters sensed in the system are temperature and light. The control actions are taken by the Arduino system depending upon the recorded controlling parameters.
8. Robotic Vehicle:
In this project Arduino is used to develop the robotic vehicle. Thy robot is controlled by the control signal developed in the programming language.
9. Smoke Detection using MQ-2 Gas Sensor:
In this project the Smoke detection is carried out by using the MQ2 smoke sensor which is interfaced with the Arduino. Depending upon the smoke level the alarm will ring and the light will switch on and off.
10. Wooden Calculator:
In this project wooden calculator is developed by using the sound sensor. Further, the Arduino is used to perform the mathematical operations.
11. Self-Balancing Segway Instructabot:
In this project the self-balancing Segway instructabot is developed by using the Arduino board. Here, gyroscope is used to measure the tilt. Further, accelerometer is interfaced with the Arduino.
12. Fish Robot using Arduino:
In this project robofish is implemented by using the Arduino. Here, similar to fish the robot will swim and skip the obstacles in the water. The servomotors are interfaced with the Arduino board.
13. Ultrasonic Map-Maker using Arduino:
In this project ultrasonic sensors are interfaced with the Arduino. The sensor transmits ultrasonic signals and Arduino is used to find the distance by calculating the time.
14. Arduino G Meter:
In this project, Arduino board is interfaced with the acceleration sensors. This project is mainly used in car systems.
15.Aquaponics controller:
· In this project, Arduino is used to measure the temperature by interfacing the temperature sensor with the Arduino.
16. Deltu Robot using Arduino :
In this project a robot named as Deltu robot has been developed by using the Arduino. This robot is a gaming robot which can play the games with the users.
17. Robotic Drum using Arduino:
In this project a robotic drum is developed by using the Arduino. Further, the sticks in the system can be moved based on the music.
18. Robot Reads twitter:
In this project a robot is developed based on the Arduino which reads the twitter. Here, the robot it can speak like humans.
In this project, servo controller is used in the web applications. Here, the motor is controlled by the Arduino.
20. Smartwatch Prototype :
In this project a Smart watch joystick is developed by using Arduino. In this project various sensors such as IR sensors, piezo vibration sensor etc are interfaced with the Arduino.
21. Drumming Midi Glove Using Arduino:
In this project, drumming glove is developed by using the Arduino. Here, the music sounds are developed by piezo buzzer and LDR sensors which are arranged in a glove.
22. Robot Car Controlled by Smartphone:
In this project robot car is developed which can be controlled by using the smart cellular phone and the Arduino. To control the car Bluetooth of the smart phone is used.
23. Fish Robot controlled using Arduino:
In this project, a robo fish is developed wich can be controlled using the Arduino under the water. In order to control the fish the remote controller is used.
In this project, temperature controller is developed by interfacing the temperature sensors with the Arduino. Here, the temperature is continuously monitored and accordingly the control signals are sent.
25. Arduino Thermostat:
In this project, thermostat is used to control the temperature of the system. The temperature of the room is monitored by interfacing the thermostat with the Arduino. LCD display is used to dispay the temperature.
26. Water Level Controller:
In this project, the water level of the tank is controlled by interfacing Arduino with the water level sensor. The water level is controlled by sending the control signals through the Arduino.
27. Soil Moisture Sensor:
In this project, Arduino based system is used to to detect the moisture level of the soil. The soil moisture sensor is interfaced with the Arduino.
28. Hot and Cold sensing:
In this project, Arduino based system is used to sense the hot and cold environment. In order to sense the temperatures, the sensors are interfaced with the Arduino.
29. Sensor calibration:
In this project, sensor calibration system is developed by using Arduino. The calibration is strongly needed in order to measure the parameter values accurately.
30. Knock detection on Sensor:
In this project knock sensor is interfaced with the Arduino to detect the damage in the vehicle engine. This system prevents the severe damages in the vehicle.
31. Reading Temperatures Using I2C :
In this project, I2C protocol is used to measure the temperature. In order to carry out this project I2C bus is interfaced with the Arduino.
32. Proximity Sensor:
In this project proximity sensors are used along with the Arduino. Main idea of this project is to detect the presence of guest in house.
Arduino consumer electronic projects
1. PIR Sensor Alarm:
In this project, PIR alarm system is implemented by using the Arduino for night security applications. This system provides the security to the consumers.
2. USB Powered Gas detector:
In this project, the Arduino platform is used in the gas detection using gas sensor. Here, main advantage is this system is USB powered and the indications is provided with the help of seven segment LED display.
3. Gestured Controlled Smart Home:
In this project, the hand gesture is used to control home system appliances. The Arduino is interfaced with the sensors which detects the hand gestures.
4. RF Based Smart Home Automation:
In this project, the home automation system is developed using RF signals and Arduino. The Arduino gives the control signals recived from the RF SYSTEMS.
5. Light System control Using Smart Phone:
In this project the, intensity of light system is controlled with the smart phones interfaced with the Arduino platform. This system can be used to control the home appliances in smart homes.
6. Home Automation System with a Raspberry Pi and Arduino:
In this project the entire home automation system is built using the raspberry pi and Arduino platforms. The various kinds of sensors are used to control the home appliances.
7. Appliance control using Remote Control:
In this project, the infra red transmitter based remote control is used to control the home appliances. The appliances which can be controlled are, FAN, TV etc. The basic platform used is Arduino which is used to send the control signals.
8. Magnetic Reed door Switch:
In this project, magnetic reed door switch is used to ring the alarm when any theft enters through the door. The reed switch and piezo buzzer are the important building blocks in this system which are interfaced with the Arduino.
9. Security System:
In this project, Arduino platform is used to design the home automation security system. By using this system the outsider people cannot enter the room without permission. So that the thefts in the home will be restricted.
10. Non-Intrusive Smart Home:
In this project, the idea is to use the attention of elder people on the home for security purpose. The home security system uses various sensors and the Arduino platform.
11. Doorbell with Pushing box:
In this project, the Arduino platform is used to notify the authorised person by the alerts. The important aspect in this project is the used of programming aspect of Arduino.
12. GSM Based Home Security System:
In this project the Arduino and GSM is used for the home security purpose. Main intention in using the GSM is to control the system and alerts by sitting at the remote places.
13. Knock Detecting Door Lock:
In this project. The Arduino platform is used in security knock detection. This is particularly used in the door lock system.
14. Alarm Clock system:
In this project the Arduino platform is used to make the alarm clock system for the consumers. The system contains the piezo electric buzzer and the whole system is operated on the external power supply.
15. Simple Light Dimmer:
In this project the Arduino platform is used in the simple light dimmer application. The circuit works on the pulse width modulation concept.
16. Analog signal read:
In this project, the serial communication on the analog read has been carried out using the Arduino platform. The main concept is the use of serial communication protocols in the system.
17. Shadow Alarm for home security:
In this project, the Arduino platform and the optoelectronic circuits are used to develop the shadow alarm for home security systems. The syatem is based on the sound alarm.
18. Car Parking system:
In this project the car parking counter system is developed by using the Arduino platform. The Arduino system is interfaced with the sensors which are kept at the entrance of the cars.
19. Controlling Yogurt Maker:
In this project, Arduino platform is interfaced with the temperature sensors to make the yogurt. This system is particularly used in the homes for cooking.
20. Digital Music Player:
In this project Arduino is used to develop the MP3 player by interfacing various voltage divider circuitry of the speakers. This is project is based on the digital electronics.
21. Rotary Phone Dial:
In this project, the older rotary phone dialling system is interfaced with the Arduino platform. This system is used in the landline telephone systems.
22. Arduino Panic Alarm:
In this project, the Arduino platform is used to detect the panic mood. The alarm rings when the user becomes panic.
23. High Speed Photography System:
In this project, Arduino platform is used for the high speed photography. This is mainly based on the camera triggering rate and the optoelectronic circuitry.
24. DVD Player:
In this project Arduino platform is used in the DVD player systems required in the home appliances.
25. Automated Gardening System:
In this project the automated guarding system is developed by using the Arduino. The various sensors to detect the soil moisture and the humidity are interfaced with the Arduino.
Arduino Electronic Equipments
1. Arduino Based Wattmeter Meter:
In this project, the power meter is developed by using the Arduino. The power is measured in Watt and displayed on the LCD didplay.
2. Arduino Based Intervalometer:
In this project the Arduino platform is used to control the camera monitoring system. The system also uses the infra-red LED.
3. High speed Oscilloscope:
In this project the high speed oscilloscope is developed by using the Arduino system. This Oscilloscope is used to observe various waveforms on the personal computer.
4. Arduino Based Voltmeter:
In this project voltage divider circuitry and the Arduino platform is used to develop the voltmeter. This voltmeter displays the various voltages with different ranges.
5. Underground Cable Fault Detection:
In this project the Arduino platform is used to detect the fault in the underground cable. The broken faults in the underground cable can also be determined by using this system.
6. Arduino Digital Voltmeter:
In this project the voltage is recorded in the digital displayed values. This is based on the Arduino platform and the basic voltage divider circuitry.
7. Arduino Powered Lucky Cat Webcounter:
In this project, the Arduino platform is used indicate the number of web sites are visited. The main components used in the system are the servomotors and the light emitting diodes.
8. Coin Operated Advice Machine:
In this project, by inserting the coin in the machine the advice is printed in the paper when the button is pressed in the machine. The system is designed based on the Arduino platform.
9.Gauss meter:
In this project the Gauss meter is used to measure the magnetic field. The main concept used in the project is the Hall- effect. Further, LCD is interfaced with Arduino to display the measured value.
10. Controlling LED flashing Using Potentiometer:
In this project, with the help of the Arduino platform the flashing rate of the LED can be controlled by using the potentiometer. The main concept used in the project is the variable shift resister.
11. Potted Plant Protector:
In this project, by interfacing the moisture sensor, humidity sensor and temperature sensor with the Arduino the plants can be protected in the potted systems. The LCD display is used to display the status.
12. RGB Led Rainbow Fader:
In this project the Arduino platform is used in the rainbow fader system. The system is designed using the various light emitting diodes which are connected to the shift register based digital systems.
13. Digital Value reader:
In this project the Arduino platform is used to read the digital value. The digital value is transmitted serially using the hyperlink terminal of the personal computer and displayed on the screen.
14. PC Controlled RGB mixure:
In this project the Arduino platform and the personal computer is used to mix the RGB light. The mixing is done by interfacing the light sources with the Arduino control saystem.
15. RGB Liquid Crystal Display:
In this project, the liquid crystal displays are interfaced with the Arduino to backlight the RGB in the liquid crystal displays. The main concept is based on the Arduino programming.
16. Magnetic Card Reader:
In this project the Arduino platform is used to read the magnetic cards data. The system is based on the magnetic sensors to read the data from the magnetic readers.
17. Rotary Encoder using Arduino Code:
In this project the Arduino platform is used in the rotary encoder syatem. The main concerpt of this project is the use of programming language of the Arduino.
18. Christmas Bell based on Arduino:
In this project, the Christmas bell is developed by using the Arduino platform. This bell is mainly used to record the count of the number of visitors in the system.
Arduino Hardware Projects
1. Android-Controlled Beer Tap:
In this project, Arduino and Android platforms are used in the beer tap system. In this system the authorized persons can be identified to use the syatem.
2. 16×12 Grid Step Sequencer:
In this project, step sequencer has been developed by using Arduino. The bank of light emitting diodes has been used in this system. The system is user operated.
3. UAV controller:
In this project unmanned Arial vehicle system has been developed to navigate in the dangerous zones. This system can be used to record the weather information.
4. Automatic street light Intensity:
In this project, the street light intensity can be controlled by using the Arduino platform. The main components of the system are light emitting diodes and the power saving circuitry.
5. Autopilot Airplane System:
In this project, auto pilot airplane has been designed by using the Arduino platform. This system prototype can be used for whether information recording or the wars.
6. LED Brightness or Fan Speed control:
In this project, the Arduino platform is used to control the brightness of LED or the same system can be used to control the FAN speed in home automation system. The LED driving circuitry and the FAN switching system is interfaced with the Arduino system.
7. Inebriator Cocktail Maker:
In this project, cocktail maker has been designed by using the Arduino platform particularly for in-house functions. The controlling signals has been sent by using the Arduino.
8. Advanced Arduino Sound Synthesis:
In this project, Arduino platform is used in the sound synthesis. The high frequency signals generated by using the Arduino are connected to the speakers to produce the sound waves.
9. Text Message-Based Remote Display:
In this project, Arduino platform is used to display the text messages on the liquid crystal display screens. The messages can be sent through the GSM system as well.
10. LED switching using Arduino:
In this project, the LED switching i.e. on or off can be done by using the Arduino platform. This system is very simpler light controller based on the push button switches.
11. Overclocking With Liquid Nitrogen:
In this project, the Arduino platform is used to overclocking with the liquid nitrogen. The board is inserted into the liquid nitrogen and the system can be used for cryogenic temperatures.
12. Thermostat:
In this project, a super thermostat has been designed by using the Arduino board. The thermostat is mainly used to control the temperatures and display it on the liquid crystal display screens.
13. Automatic Valve:
In this project, Arduino platform is used to design the part fill automatic valve. Thius valve is mainly required in the tanks filled with the liquid. The liquid level sensor are interfaced in this system.
14. Desert illumination:
In this project, the Arduino platform is used mainly for the dessert illumination. The light effects are provided by using the mirrors in the system.
15. Automatic Temperature FAN speed controller:
In this project, the Arduino platform is used to control the FAN speed. The main components of the project are temperature sensors and the Arduino board to control the signal.
16. RGB Combination Door Lock:
In this project,Arduino platform is used to combine the RGB for the door locking system. This syaem ismainly applicable for the home automation and security systems. Light emitting diodes are te major building blocks of this system.
17. Seven Segment LED Display:
In this project, the seven segment light emitting diode display is interfaced with the Arduino. The LED display shows the counter values counted in the system.
18. Fade LED in and Out:
In this project, light emitting diode in and out is controlled by using the Arduino platform. The main building block of the system is the current flowing through the LED which controls the light intensity.
19. Serial and LCD Digital Clock:
In this project, digital clock has been developed by using an Arduino and DS1307 real time clock timer. The liquid crystal display is interfaced with the Arduino board to display the values.
20. Auto Timer:
In this project, the Arduino platform is used to develop the auto timer system. The values of the time can be displayed by using the display.
21. Knight Rider:
In this project, Arduino platform is used in the knight rider system. This system is mainly used in light emitting diodes to create the different effects.
22. Multiple Lights Dimmer:
In this project, the Arduino platform is used for the multiple dimmer control. This project is mainly required to control the light intensity. The main concept used is the optoelectronic circuitry.
23. Icicle Lights with LED:
In this project, the Icicle kind of light sequencing can be carried out by using ther Arduino board. The on and off of the light emitting diodes with the Arduino control signals is the main concept of this project.
24. Binary Clock:
In this project, binary clock is developed by using the Arduino platform. The major component in the project is the light emitting diodes which are controlled with the help of Arduino.
25. LED Blinking:
In this project, Arduino platform is used to blink the light emitting diode on or off with the help of Arduino board. The light emitting diode is blinked with certain interval of time.
26. Poker Table:
In this project, the Arduino platform is used to develop the poker table which control the light intensity. The significant role is played by the light emitting diode in the project.
27. Time Laps Shutter Switch:
In this project, the Arduino platform is used to develop the time lapsed shutter in the camera systems. This system is mainly designed by interfacing the camera with the Arduino board.
28. Digital Firefly:
In this project, the Arduino platform is used to develop the digital firefly. This system is based upon the photo transistor and the light emitting diodes.
29. Spark Christmas Led Lights:
In this project, sparkly Christmas light emitting diode light is developed by using the Arduino platform. The system is based on simple electronic components such as resistors, light emitting diodes etc.
30. Battery Charger:
In this project, by using the Arduino platform the battery charger is developed. The charging density of the battery is controlled by the Arduino control signals.
31. Fade LED’s Brightness:
In this project, the Arduino platform is mainly used for the fading the light emitting diodes. The control signals given by the Arduino are the major building blocks in the project.
32. Digital Code Lock:
In this project, the digital code lock system is developed by using the Arduino platform. This system is mainly used for the home security applications. The key role played here is by the Arduino programming language.
33. Tilt Detector:
In this project, Arduino platform is used to detect the tilt of the system components. The system is used to detect the tilt because of uncertain phenomenon happened in the environment.
34. Relay Arduino Inteface:
In this project, a interface between the relay module and the Arduino is demonstrated. The major components in this project are the relay and the light emitting diodes interfaced with the Arduino board.
35. Camping LED circuit:
In this project, the Arduino platform is used to develop the light emitting diode camping circuit. The camping light is the major aspect used to understand the camping operation of lights. The system is developed by interfacing the light emitting diodes with the Arduino.
36. Arduino based LED Siren system:
In this project, the Arduino platform is used to develop the siren system used in the class rooms and the industries. The light emitting diodes and the siren are the major components of this system.
Arduino Projects in Biomedical
1. X-Ray Machine:
In this project, the Arduino platform is used to develop the X-ray machine. The x-ray images can be captured by using the Arduino.
2. Heart Rate Monitor:
In this project, the Arduino platform is used to develop the heart rate monitoring system. The pulse detecting sensors are interfaced with the Arduino in the system.
3. Low cost DNA replication
In this project, Low Cost DNA Replication system is developed by using Arduino. The system is connected to the internet. Here, the polymerase chain reaction is used replicate the DNA.
4. Head Tracking system:
In this project, the Arduino platform is used in the head tracking system. The varuius sensors are interfaced with the Arduino in this system.
5. Arduino Pumpkin:
In this project, the Arduino platform is used to develop the blinking eyes in the pumpkin. To control the pumpkin motion servomotors are interfaced with the Arduino.
6. Touch Up Control Hospital Bed from iPad:
In this project, the Arduino platform is used to touch up control in the hospital bed. Here, ipad buttons can be pressed which are interfaced with the Arduino.
7. Breathalyzer Microphone:
In this project, Breathalyzer microphone system is developed by using the Arduino platform. The major building block of the system is the microphone interfaced with the Arduino.
8. Hack EEG Toys:
In this project, the Arduino platform is used in the hack the EEG toys. The EEG signals are controlled by using the Arduino.
9. Twitter Mood Light:
In this project, the Arduino platform is used to twit the mood light of the user. The major component is the wi-fi module connected to the Arduino board and the light emitting diodes.
10. Mind-Controlled Nerf Gun:
In this project, mind controlled nerf gun is developed by using the android platform. The mind waves are controlled by using the Arduino board by interfacing the certain sensor modules.
11. Mind Controlled Robot:
In this project, Arduino platform is used to develop the mind controlled robot. The main concept of this project is the use of EEG signals with the Arduino platform. The movements of the robot are also controlled with the help of control signals from the Arduino.
Arduino Projects in wireless Systems
In this project, the Arduino platform is used to interface the Bluetooth module. The major focus is to how to control the light emitting diodes using the Bluetooth and Arduino.
2. Wireless Remote Chess board:
In this project, the Chess board is developed by using the Arduino platform. This is kind of chess game which can be played between the players. The system is controlled without the wires this is the main feature of the project.
3. Wireless Power Meter:
In this project, the wireless power meter has been developed by using the Arduino platform. This project is mainly deal with the power measurement which is to be displayed and particularly used as the electronic equipment.
4. Wireless Accelerometer:
In this project, the Arduino platform and the xbee based accelerometer are interfaced together to measure the acceleration or the vibrations in the environment.
5. Wireless Animatronic Hand:
In this project, the Arduino platform is used to develop the wireless animatronic hand. The project is mainly used for the robotic arms. The control signals are sent by the Arduino to the robot hand.
6. Wireless remote controlled Car:
In this project, the motion of the car is controlled with the help of wireless remote control. Arduino controls the car with the help of the interfaced servo motors.
7. Home Automation without wired network:
In this project, the home automation system is developed by interfacing the home appliances wireless sensor network with the Arduino. The various circuit components are, wi-fi module, resistors, relay etc.
8. Wireless Electricity Monitor:
In this project, Arduino platform is used to monitor the electricity power consumed in the home appliances. The sensor network is the main component in this equipment.
9. Inertial measurement unit:
In this project, Inertial measurement unit is implemented by using the Arduino platform. The parameters used in this unit are, Agular rate, specific force, magnetic field etc.
10. Android to Arduino Communication:
In this project, android to Arduino communication has been carried out by using the Bluetooth. The android and Arduino interface is the important feature of this project.
11. GPS and GPRS Tracker system:
In this project, the vehicle tracking system based on Arduino is developed. The interfacing of GPS module with Arduino is the major building block of this system
12. Arduino based cell Phone:
In this project, the cell phone is developed by using the Arduino board. The key feature of this project is the charging of the cell phone by using the Arduino.
13. Security Access Using RFID:
In this project, the Arduino platform is Interfaced with the RFID tag reader. This system is mainly suited for the security applications.
14. Cellular Sensor Sentinel:
In this project, the Arduino platform is used to develop the cellular sentinel. The important building block in the project is the use of GSM.
15. GPS PET Tracker:
In this project, Arduino platform is used to track the pets particularly cat by using the Arduino platform. Here, the GSM system of the cellular phones is used by interfacing it with the Arduino.
16. Laser Harp using Arduino:
In this project, Laser harp is implemented by using the Arduino. The project is mainly based upon the photo resistor and the laser diodes.
17. Laser Maze :
In this project, Laser maze circuit is developed by usinfg the Arduino plsatform . This kind of laser maze is particularly used for thye home secuirity applications.
18. Fantastic Laser Harp:
In this project, the Arduino platform is used to develop the fantastic laser harp. This produces the laser light beams based on the musical instrument.
19. Automated Catbot:
In this project, The anrduino platform is used to create the automatic Catbot. The servomotors are interfaced with the Arduino in this system. The main components is the laser attached with the bot.
20. Cat Laser Tower:
In this project, the Arduino platform is used to develop the laser tower to entertain the cats. The various components used in the system are, servo motors, tilt camera mount, tin etc.
21. RFID Cat Door:
In this project, the Arduino platform is used to develop the cat cage door. The key component of the project is the interface of the RFID tag with the Arduino.
22. RFID based Access Control System:
In this project, RFID tag is interfaced with the Arduino to access control system. This is a home security system and provides security to the user.
Recent Arduino Projects
1. Doorbell:
In this project, the Arduino platform is used to develop the Doorbell. The key components in this system are, communication module, ringing bell etc interfaced with the Arduino.
2. Eggzact Science:
In this project, the system required for the egg farms is developed by using the Arduino platform. The sensors used are interfaced with the Arduino board and the data is used recorded.
3. Clock with Neopixel Ring Animation:
In this project, the Arduino platform is used to develop the real time clock having neopixel ring animation. The key component of the project is the real time clock integrated circuit.
4. Excel Arduino Remote:
In this project, the Arduino platform is used to develop the excel sheet. This system is quite useful to keep the record of the data samples using excel sheet.
5. Singing Arduino:
In this project, the Arduino platform is used to playing music. The key feature in this project is the sound recorder and te time stamping to play the song.
6. Traffic Light controller:
In this project, Traffic light controller is developed by using the Arduino platform. The system is based on the light sequencing and mainly controlled by the Arduino.
7. Intelligent Charger:
In this project, the Arduino platform is used to develop the intelligent smart charger. The charging the battery of different voltages is the key feature of this system.
8. Inventive Toothbrush:
In this project, inventive toothbrush has been developed by using the Arduino platform. The main feature of this toothbrush is that it plays the music while brushing.
9. Food Detector:
In this project, the Arduino platform is used to detect the type of the food. The key feature of this project is the name of the food is displayed in the liquid crystal display.
10. LCD with Real Time Clock Module:
In this project, the Arduino platform is used to display the real time value of the clock on the liquid crystal display. Even if the timer power is off still the real value of the clock is displayed this is the key feature of this system.
11. Mame Machine:
In this project, Galaga MAME machine is developed by using the Arduino platform. The use of infra-red light emitting diodes is the key feature of this project.
12. Sigfox Talking Plant:
In this project, the talking plant which speaks is developed by using the Arduino platform. The controlling of the messages can be carried out by using the Arduino.
13. Smart Gaming:
In this project, the Arduino platform is used for the development of the smart gaming project. The gaming time is the key feature for this project.
14. Thumb Piano:
In this project, thumb piano is developed by using the Arduino platform. The various sensors particularly accelerometer sensor is used in this system.
15. Electronic Drum Kit:
In this project, the Arduino platform is used to build an electronic drum kit. This kit can be easily build by using the readily available devices.
16. Electronic Message in a Bottle:
In this project, the Arduino platform is used to build circuits inside the bottle using light emitting diodes. The key feature of the project is the display of the messages on the bottle.
17. MP3 Alarm Clock:
In this project, the Arduino platform is used to develop the alarm clock. The important building blocks of this project are, MP3 player, RTC etc. which are interfaced with the Arduino.
18. Go Pro Panning Rig:
In this project, the Arduino platform is used to develop powered camera panning rig. The system is consisting of, liquid crystal display, Stepper motors etc which are interfaced with the Arduino.
19. Cutting Cable with Scissors:
In this project, the Arduino platform is used to develop cable cutter. In this project, the three dimensional printed wires are used in the scissors.
20. Ping Pong FM:
In this project, the Arduino platform is used to develop fun musical game called as ping pong FM.
21. Guitar Pedal:
In this project, the Arduino platform is used to develop the guitar pedal which create digital sound. The key component of this system is the digital signal processer interfaced with the Arduino.
22. Free Parking system:
In this project, the Arduino platform is used to develop free parking spot in an area. The system also sends the messages of the availability of the parking slots by sending the controlling signals through the Arduino.
23. Set Blows with Light and Sound:
In this project, the Arduino platform is used to develop shining back structure having lead switches. The key component of the system is Arduino programming language.
24. Augments Existing Prostheses Abilities:
In this project, the Arduino platform is used to develop the system for prosthetic limbs.The key feature of this project is the development of smart prosthetic sock that has ability to sense.
25. Autonomous Ford Focus:
In this project, the Arduino platform is used to develop automation of ford focus car. The key components of this system are, cameras, ultrasonic sensors etc interfaced with the Arduino.
26. Electro Pollock:
In this project, the Arduino platform is used to develop electro pollock which is nothing but the special drawing machine operated based on music. The key components are, servo motors, fan, electrical valves etc interfaced with the Arduino.
27. All Senses Alarm Clock:
In this project, the Arduino platform is used to develop alarm clock that produces ugly sound. The key components of the project are, switches, light emitting diodes etc.
28. Challenges Guests to Solve Its Riddles:
In this project, the Arduino platform is used to develop puzzle box. This kind of system is mainly required for the entertaining the guests.
29. Rotating Digital Picture Frame:
In this project, the Arduino platform is used to develop rotating digital picture frame by using the liquid crystal display.
30. Check the Traffic Autonomously:
In this project, the Arduino platform is used to develop a smart wall clock that shows the traffic intensity on the roads. The key component of this project is the light emitting diodes which are switched on or off.
31. Chess Board with A High-Tech Twist:
In this project, the Arduino platform is used to develop the chess board to play the chess on board with anyone in the world.
32. Train of Future:
In this project, the Arduino platform is used to develop the prototype of future train. The keay component is the programming language of the Arduino.
33. Smart Plastic Container:
In this project, the Arduino platform is used to develop smart plastic container wich controls the the stock inside it. The control signals are sent through the Arduino.
34. Self-Driving Tricycle:
In this project, the Arduino platform is used to develop self-driving tricycle. The cycle drives by the commands sent by the Arduino.
35. Transport checker:
In this project, the Arduino platform is used to develop the transport checker. The system send the notification such as bus number, time etc on the cellular phone.
36. Instruments for Horizon and Compass:
In this project, the Arduino platform is used to develop instruments for horizon and compass. The key component in this project is the Motion sensor interfaced with the Arduino.
37. Kind of Reality Re-Mixer:
In this project, the Arduino platform is used to develop the system having rotating robotic stereo microphone. This system is kind of display of the reality re-mixer.