Project Title: 5 stage Pipelined Architecture of 8 Bit Pico Processor
Brief Introduction:
This project is a scholarly research that is untested An Pico that is 8-bit Processor and its own information that is general It is possible to increase pipelining execution. Pico Processor is an processor that is 8-bit is similar to 8 bit MicroProcessor for tiny applications being embedded that could it is With the objective that is true of purposes .Previous Pipelined Single Pico and period that is multi-screen are implemented. Its speed While the run that is general can lead to a growth in execution Pipeline architecture so that it may be used in tiny embedded Applications like games processors.For scholastic purposes, its similar to 8-bit Microprocessor for small applications being embedded but one More information like the RISC processor set architecture
Hardware Details:
* Spartan 3e FPGA from Xilinx
Software Details:
* Xilinx ISE (integrated software environment) 10.1 software